
Courses taught by Cell Biology faculty

110.700 Advanced Study and Teaching in Cell Biology
110.726 Nuclear Structure and Human Disease
110.727 The Cytoskeleton
110.730 Membrane Traffic
110.800 Advanced Work and Research
110.807 Fundamentals of Fluorescence and Confocal Microscopy
240.704 Developmental Biology
260.706 Principals of Genetics
340.703 Graduate Cell Structure & Dynamics
800.600 Scientific Foundations of Medicine – Cell Physiology block 



Graduate Programs in the School of Medicine

(All Cell Biology faculty participate in the Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program (BCMB). Some also participate in one or more of the following programs:

Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Biological Chemistry
Biomedical Engineering
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Cellular & Molecular Physiology
Functional Anatomy & Evolution
Health Sciences Informatics (MS)
History of Science, Medicine & Technology
Human Genetics & Molecular Biology
Program in Molecular Biophysics
Medical & Biological Illustration (MA)
Pharmacology & Molecular Sciences