Tatsat Banerjee, Ph.D.
(Devreotes Lab)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Lin Y.*, Pal DS*, Banerjee P, Banerjee T, Qin G, Deng Y, Borleis J, Iglesias PA and Devreotes PN. Ras suppression potentiates rear actomyosin contractility-driven cell polarization and migration. Nat Cell Biol (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41556-024-01453-4
Kuhn J, Banerjee P, Haye A, Robinson DN, Iglesias PA and Devreotes PN. 2024. Complementary Cytoskeletal Feedback Loops Control Signal Transduction Excitability and Cell Polarity. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Feb 13:2024.02.13.580131. doi: 10.1101/2024.02.13.580131. PMC10888828.
Pal DS, Lin Y, Zhan H, Banerjee T, Kuhn J, Providence S and Devreotes PN. 2023. Optogenetic modulation of guanine nucleotide exchange factors of Ras superfamily proteins directly controls cell shape and movement. Front Cell Dev Biol 11:1195806. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2023.1195806
Pal DS*, Banerjee T, Lin Y, de Trogoff F, Borleis J, Iglesias PA, Devreotes PN. 2023. Actuation of single downstream nodes in growth factor network steers immune cell migration. Dev Cell May 22. Online ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2023.04.019
Banerjee T, Matsuoka S, Biswas D, Miao Y, Pal DS, Kamimura Y, Ueda M, Devreotes PN and Iglesias PA. 2023. A dynamic partitioning mechanism polarizes membrane protein distribution. bioRxiv 01-03-23. doi: 10.1101/2023.01.03.522496.
Yang Q, Miao Y, Banerjee P, Hourwitz MJ, Hu M, Qing Q, Iglesias PA, Devreotes PN, Fourkas JG and Losert W. 2022. Nanotopography modulates intracellular excitable systems through cytoskeleton actuation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 May 9;120(19):e2218906120. doi: 10.1073/ pnas.2218906120. Epub 2023 May 1.
Pal DS, Banerjee T, Lin Y, Borleis J and Devreotes PN. 2022. Direct activation of the Ras-Akt network mediates polarity and organizes protrusions in human neutrophil migration. bioRxiv 10-28-22. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.27.513966v1 (preprint).
Banerjee T, Biswas D*, Pal DS*, Miao Y, Iglesias PA and Devreotes PN. 2022. Spatiotemporal dynamics of membrane surface charge regulates cell polarity and migration. Nat Cell Biol. 2022 Oct;24(10):1499-1515. doi: 10.1038/s41556-022-00997-7. Epub 2022 Oct 6. PMC10029748. *Co-second Authors.
Bhattacharya S, Banerjee T, Miao Y, Zhan H, Devreotes PN, Iglesias PA. 2020. Traveling and standing waves mediate pattern formation in cellular protrusions. Science Advances. 2020 Aug 7; 6(32): eaay 7682. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay7682.
Miao Y, Battacharya S, Banerjee T, Abudaker-Sharif B, Long Y, Inoue T, Iglesias P and Devreotes P. (2019). Wave patterns organize cellular protrusions and control cortical dynamics. Molecular Systems Biology 15(3). DOI 10.15252/msb.20188585| Published online 11.03.2019.